Law of Attraction

                  Everything around us and including us is ENERGY in this Universe .
                  We as a human body is also energy.
                  Energy has Vibrations and vibrations has frequency.

                  What frequency we are possessing?
                   It depends on our THOUGHTS.
                  Our thoughts create FEELINGS, our Feelings create our BELIEFS and our beliefs are responsible for our ACTIONS.

                 So Our Thoughts, feelings, Emotions and Actions are also Energy and Vibrates at certain Frequencies.
                 Now Your Goals, desires, like house, money, love, etc are also energy. It means they also vibrates at certain frequency.

                Law of attraction says : like attracts like! When frequency of two things matches , they come closer to each other.
               So what you need to do , you need to match your frequency with the frequency of your goal or desire!

How will you do this ?
Read in my next Blog 
                 Anju Mahajan
                 Tarot guide and coach

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