Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance

Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance



The Clearing Process for Financial Blockages


Clear and Erase all the negative beliefs about money floating in your mind and also about Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance. *Money Beliefs Clearing through Forgiveness Process:* TO ERR IS HUMAN, TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE.  

This clearing process works on a deeper healing level and may bring some emotional release. 

By simply stating that you forgive yourself, you are declaring to yourself and to your mind that you have now chosen to be free of this belief, and that this is enough to allow for the release of all stucked beliefs. 

For example, when you state that you forgive yourself for believing that you are ashamed of your financial situation, you release the pain and the pattern of self-blame at the same time. TWO STEP FORGIVENESS PROCESS 1. 

Step One: Forgiving yourself for believing the thought. 

I forgive myself for believing that I am ashamed of my financial situation. I let this go now. It’s simply not true. It’s just a thought, and I forgive myself for believing this thought. 

I forgive myself for believing I am bad for getting into this financial situation. It’s just not true. 

I forgive myself for believing I need to be afraid of my financial situation. I let this go now and release this thought. It is simply not true. Fear is never justified. 

I forgive myself for believing that I needed to learn through adversity. It’s not true. 

I forgive myself for believing that I am helpless with money. It is not true. I thank God it’s not true. 

I forgive myself for believing that I am ashamed of certain negative money affirmations in any way. It’s not true. 

I forgive myself for believing that fear serves me in any way. It’s not true. I release this now. The truth is that I accept the release of this situation as I learn from it and grow. 

Step Two: Forgive yourself for forgetting what is actually true. 

I forgive myself for forgetting that (this idea) was a mistake and I forgive myself for believing it. 

I forgive myself for forgetting that I can embrace this situation and ask for help with every aspect. 

I forgive myself for forgetting (not remembering) that I am smart, capable and willing to receive help and guidance with this situation. 

I forgive myself for forgetting that there is a Plan for me that will work. 

I forgive myself for forgetting that all I need do is ask to be shown each step and take each one along the way with ease and grace. 

I forgive myself for forgetting that I have all power and I use it to release myself from this apparent situation. Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance music could be played.. 



Money Manifestation Rituals

Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance

*Money Manifestation Ritual.* 

You will need: – Blue/Green Pen and white Paper – Green Candle with holder – Large Bowl – Cinnamon Oil or til oil. Light Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance music could be played.. 

Important– Perform this ritual only in the evening, mostly after 7 PM. 


1) Fix the Place where no one will disturb you for some time and switched off all electronic gadgets. Say THANKS UNIVERSE THANKS DIVINE ENERGIES Write down what you want to manifest in present tense on white paper with blue or green pen. Be really specific. Write down every single detail. You have to really know what you want, so be clear. For e.g – “I am truly grateful for manifesting an one crore Indian rupees into my life, which has allowed me to feel prosperous and stress free.” 

2) Now rub the oil on the candle. As you do this, try to visualise and focus on your goal. If you need a specific sum of money, visualise that money or picture how that money gets to you. Be imaginative but realistic. Then place the piece of paper under the candle holder. 

3) Spray the oil surrounding the paper and also on self on body and surrounding your body(Aura). Take 3 deep breaths in your heart chakra and feel the energy activate and expand in that area then repeat the affirmation 3 times. Affirmation: “Divine energy is coming through me and supports me at every step on my path. I graciously manifest money into my life.” 

4). Close your eyes and visualise what you are manifesting your wish. Now visualise money has manifested in your life. Feel you are holding it , spending it, depositing in the bank. Be in same state for a minute. 

5) Then take the paper which you have kept under the candle holder and go outside and burn the paper under the moonlight into a large stainless steel or glass bowl.

6) Close the Ritual: Give thanks as though your desire has already manifested then say this prayer: Dear Universe and Divine Energies, guide me what to do, where to go, what to say and to whom. I trust that I am being guided. I know that I am supported and that everything is happening in perfect order. Thank you, Universe and Divine energies. 

For Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance, Ideally do this practice for 9/11/21/40 days …Everyday, visualise your manifestation morning and night until it becomes part of your life. You may blow away the ashes in the air or place it near some tree but not in any impure place.

10 Affirmations for Money Abundance

Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance

Refill your space with new following affirmations with deep feelings And see the magic .

 1. I am a money magnet. How easily I attract money into my life . 

2. It is as I am dancing with the energy of money . 

3. It is as if I have a bank account in the sky that is feeding money to me with ease and grace. 

 4. My income is constantly increasing. I am worthy of prosperity and affluence. 

 5. The Abundance of money that comes to me is a benifit to my family and me. 

 6. Money flows effortlessly into my life. I see the flow increasing. I increase my capacity to receive more. 

 7. I am great manager of money. I know how to manage the resource of money so it continues to grow and expand to serve my family and me.

 8. I live connecting with the infinite power and knowledge of money. Money is an intelligent energy that responds to the thoughts and feelings I invest in it. 

 9. I am inspired by how I use and invest money. I love money and money loves me.

 10. Money is my friend and always help me in difficult situations. 


How Should We Be Paying Our Gratitude for Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance: Love To Bless Money

Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance

1.   Always value your money , money is energy and we exchange it with our daily life needs. 

2.   We always bless ourselves, our children and our family. Money also needs blessings . So that it brings prosperity with love and peace. 

3.   The power of Money is known to all of us, as we need money for every single purchase. *LOVE TO BLESS MONEY.* 

4.   Money can be blessed? Yes Blessing the Money brings Magic .

5.   Blessing is the unique ability that we are gifted with, but we hardly use it. 

6.   Blessing is one of the Highest form of gratitude, and Law Of Energy confirms when you place gratitude for anything and everything, The Energy of Gratitude comes back to you tenfold or more, in the same way as you Bless Money, it will come back tenfold and will surely open the Money Channels too! .

7.   Start Whether you give or take, cash, cheque, or money in any form, make it a point, ALWAYS BLESS THEM. *HOW TO BLESS MONEY.* 

8.   lets experience the miracles of Blessing The Money!  Place money, (cash, cheque, etc) on your left palm and place your right hand over it, repeat the following:- 

       8.1. I bless this money as it flows out. Thanks 

       8.2. I receive this money as it flows back to me multiplied 1000-fold into forever by the Grace of God. 

        8.3. With gratitude, I bless money to flow from me and to me with ease. 

        8.4. I bless money to flow effortlessly to me and from me. 

         8.5. I bless money in such a way that Money flows like an ocean wave, in and out, to me and from me. There is an infinite supply of money. The Law of the Universe I live in is abundant, prosperous and generous. 

          8.6. I always bless money so that I am relaxed in the knowing that ALL IS WELL with me and money. I am at peace. So be it. 


Repeat this at least 3 or 8 times for Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance. Then do whatever you wish with the money or cheque.  “Rich and Righteous”, Spiritual Secrets To Mastering Money, Manifestation & Your Mind ……..

*MONEY ABUNDANCE YANTRA* : Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance...How To Make & energise Money Abundance Yantra

Money Healing, Manifestation and Abundance



1. Money Abundance Yantra is actually a kind of Yantra and a key which helps us to open the Prosperity and Abundance portal. 

2. By performing a simple ritual or by keeping it at your home, it will help you, your family and even your place to be connected with the source of Prosperity and Abundance. 

3. It will help you to resolve money related issues, job issues, business issues. 

4. It even helps you to clear your debts, recover money, get success in deals. 

5. It will activate your luck and help you to bring back Prosperity and Abundance in your life with good health and Divine Blessings along with peace, protection and clarity.



Get the print out of this yantra or draw it with the same colours in a white paper sheet, then make it laminated or glass frame of it and keep it in your alter or in pooja room. Once you place it, the next step is to energize it. 

1. First offer some raw rice, turmeric powder (Haldi) and Kumkum ( red powder). If you are not able to get Kumkum in your area then you can make it at your home too, the process is given below. 

2. Now burn the diya (use ghee – pure clarified butter) at your left hand means the right side of the money Abundance yantra . 

3. Offer Red, Yellow, White flowers or anyone which is available. 

4. Then keep your palms in prayer position and say the following Affirmation 3 times with or without open eyes, ” O, money Abundance yantra , the great yantra of Abundance and Prosperity, I am activating you by chanting the mantra Om Aim Hreem Shreem (Sanskrit: ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं) to connect with the right portal to attract wealth, health, prosperity and abundance in my life for the betterment of me and my family (or the person. 

5. Chant mantra 108 times with closed eyes with light music. 

6. Say. Thank you Universe Thank you Money Abundance yantra . Thanks 






You can definitely Clear and Erase all the negative beliefs about money floating in your mind and also about Money Healing, Manifestation And Abundance by following the above mentioned procedures……

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